Education to Build a Better Future for All

In this Decade,  Education is an important thing. Education is something we learn at school. Even if you have been old, you still can learn anything. Education is the first thing that we must have to be a winner at economy.

In Indonesia, you must spend 6 years to graduate from elementary school. And then, you must spend 3 years at Junior high School and 3 years again for graduate from Senior High School. We must spend 12 years at school to work at office as worker there. After Senior High School, we may spend some year to take school at university. There are some faculty that are available at Indonesia, like Doctor, Architech, Engineer, Dentist, and other.

In Indonesia, there are some problem about education, example :
  • Not all village in Indonesia have own school. Some student must across river or Dangerous Hill or Mountain. And some student must across valley using bridge. But, usually the bridge is dangerous to pass by them.
  • Some people don’t have enough money to spend their kid’s school tax or some accessories ( Uniform, Books, Stationary, and other)
  • Some unimportant subject in Indonesia must be learn by us. So, In Indonesia, we can learn more than 10 subject at 1 grade
  • School at village is not same as school at a big city. They’re less building, less teacher, less book, and less student.
  • Old Think that kid mustn’t study at school. They can work even if they are not study at school
  • And Many more

Some Government usually help those unlucky people by give scholl form. But, not all school especialy at village. And some office or organization give some support or school or anything. They send some thing or food and drink. They build school or new bridge. And some people send some money to organization. Even if they’re some effort from organization or government, Indonesia still in Education Crisis. Because of the Education Crisis, The Economy crisis is increase.

Indonesia must change at Education. Everyone must study at school at least 12 years ( Elementary school, Junior High School, and Senior High School ). There mustn’t any school tax. Everyone can get book for free. Every village must have at least 1 school.
For better Indonesia, Better Education, And Better World

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